Many time we need to get textual representation of Numerical Value. Many such functions are available through internet but for Indian system of Crore/Lakh/Hazar it is a bit rare.
Suppose you have 1234 and need it's textual representation. That is "One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four"
The function "TransferNumberToText" given below will help you in that case.
To know how to use custom function, you can refer
The limitations of this functions are :
It does not handle Negative Value or Decimal Value
It will not work for 100 Crore or more. (Just Kidding.. I am a poor person and this amount is too much for my function.)
Private Function TransferTen(numDasak As Byte) As String
Select Case numDasak
Case 1: TransferTen = "One"
Case 2: TransferTen = "Two"
Case 3: TransferTen = "Three"
Case 4: TransferTen = "Four"
Case 5: TransferTen = "Five"
Case 6: TransferTen = "Six"
Case 7: TransferTen = "Seven"
Case 8: TransferTen = "Eight"
Case 9: TransferTen = "Nine"
Case Else: TransferTen = ""
End Select
End Function
Private Function TenNineteen(num10_19 As Byte) As String
Select Case num10_19
Case 10: TenNineteen = "Ten"
Case 11: TenNineteen = "Eleven"
Case 12: TenNineteen = "Twelve"
Case 13: TenNineteen = "Thirteen"
Case 14: TenNineteen = "Fourteen"
Case 15: TenNineteen = "Fifteen"
Case 16: TenNineteen = "Sixteen"
Case 17: TenNineteen = "Seventeen"
Case 18: TenNineteen = "Eighteen"
Case 19: TenNineteen = "Nineteen"
Case Else: TenNineteen = ""
End Select
End Function
Private Function TwentyNinety(Num20_90 As Byte) As String
Select Case Num20_90
Case 20: TwentyNinety = "Twenty"
Case 30: TwentyNinety = "Thirty"
Case 40: TwentyNinety = "Fourty"
Case 50: TwentyNinety = "Fifty"
Case 60: TwentyNinety = "Sixty"
Case 70: TwentyNinety = "Seventy"
Case 80: TwentyNinety = "Eighty"
Case 90: TwentyNinety = "Ninety"
Case Else: TwentyNinety = ""
End Select
End Function
Private Function TransferHundred(NumSatak As Byte) As String
Dim TempTH As String
If NumSatak >= 10 And NumSatak <= 19 Then
TransferHundred = TenNineteen(NumSatak)
ElseIf NumSatak >= 0 And NumSatak <= 9 Then
TransferHundred = TransferTen(NumSatak)
ElseIf NumSatak >= 20 And NumSatak <= 99 Then
If (NumSatak Mod 10) = 0 Then
TempTH = TwentyNinety(Left$(NumSatak, 1) * 10)
TempTH = TwentyNinety(Left$(NumSatak, 1) * 10) & " " & TransferTen(Right$(NumSatak, 1) * 1)
End If
TransferHundred = TempTH
End If
End Function
Function TransferNumberToText(Num As Currency)
Dim TempTNTT As String, tempText As String, Temp As Byte
Num = Round(Num, 0)
Select Case Num
Case Is > 999999999
TransferNumberToText = "Too Large Value"
Exit Function
Case 0
TransferNumberToText = "Zero"
Exit Function
Case Is < 0
TransferNumberToText = "Be Positive No Negative"
Exit Function
End Select
TempTNTT = Num
tempText = " Only"
TempTNTT = Right$("00000000" & TempTNTT, 9)
tempText = TransferHundred(CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 8, 2))) & tempText
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 7, 1))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferTen(Temp) & " Hundred " & tempText
End If
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 5, 2))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferHundred(Temp) & " Thousand " & tempText
End If
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 3, 2))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferHundred(Temp) & " Lakh " & tempText
End If
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 1, 2))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferHundred(Temp) & " Crore " & tempText
End If
If Num = 1 Then
TransferNumberToText = "Rupee " & tempText
TransferNumberToText = "Rupees " & tempText
End If
TransferNumberToText = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(TransferNumberToText)
End Function
Suppose you have 1234 and need it's textual representation. That is "One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four"
The function "TransferNumberToText" given below will help you in that case.
To know how to use custom function, you can refer
The limitations of this functions are :
It does not handle Negative Value or Decimal Value
It will not work for 100 Crore or more. (Just Kidding.. I am a poor person and this amount is too much for my function.)
Private Function TransferTen(numDasak As Byte) As String
Select Case numDasak
Case 1: TransferTen = "One"
Case 2: TransferTen = "Two"
Case 3: TransferTen = "Three"
Case 4: TransferTen = "Four"
Case 5: TransferTen = "Five"
Case 6: TransferTen = "Six"
Case 7: TransferTen = "Seven"
Case 8: TransferTen = "Eight"
Case 9: TransferTen = "Nine"
Case Else: TransferTen = ""
End Select
End Function
Private Function TenNineteen(num10_19 As Byte) As String
Select Case num10_19
Case 10: TenNineteen = "Ten"
Case 11: TenNineteen = "Eleven"
Case 12: TenNineteen = "Twelve"
Case 13: TenNineteen = "Thirteen"
Case 14: TenNineteen = "Fourteen"
Case 15: TenNineteen = "Fifteen"
Case 16: TenNineteen = "Sixteen"
Case 17: TenNineteen = "Seventeen"
Case 18: TenNineteen = "Eighteen"
Case 19: TenNineteen = "Nineteen"
Case Else: TenNineteen = ""
End Select
End Function
Private Function TwentyNinety(Num20_90 As Byte) As String
Select Case Num20_90
Case 20: TwentyNinety = "Twenty"
Case 30: TwentyNinety = "Thirty"
Case 40: TwentyNinety = "Fourty"
Case 50: TwentyNinety = "Fifty"
Case 60: TwentyNinety = "Sixty"
Case 70: TwentyNinety = "Seventy"
Case 80: TwentyNinety = "Eighty"
Case 90: TwentyNinety = "Ninety"
Case Else: TwentyNinety = ""
End Select
End Function
Private Function TransferHundred(NumSatak As Byte) As String
Dim TempTH As String
If NumSatak >= 10 And NumSatak <= 19 Then
TransferHundred = TenNineteen(NumSatak)
ElseIf NumSatak >= 0 And NumSatak <= 9 Then
TransferHundred = TransferTen(NumSatak)
ElseIf NumSatak >= 20 And NumSatak <= 99 Then
If (NumSatak Mod 10) = 0 Then
TempTH = TwentyNinety(Left$(NumSatak, 1) * 10)
TempTH = TwentyNinety(Left$(NumSatak, 1) * 10) & " " & TransferTen(Right$(NumSatak, 1) * 1)
End If
TransferHundred = TempTH
End If
End Function
Function TransferNumberToText(Num As Currency)
Dim TempTNTT As String, tempText As String, Temp As Byte
Num = Round(Num, 0)
Select Case Num
Case Is > 999999999
TransferNumberToText = "Too Large Value"
Exit Function
Case 0
TransferNumberToText = "Zero"
Exit Function
Case Is < 0
TransferNumberToText = "Be Positive No Negative"
Exit Function
End Select
TempTNTT = Num
tempText = " Only"
TempTNTT = Right$("00000000" & TempTNTT, 9)
tempText = TransferHundred(CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 8, 2))) & tempText
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 7, 1))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferTen(Temp) & " Hundred " & tempText
End If
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 5, 2))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferHundred(Temp) & " Thousand " & tempText
End If
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 3, 2))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferHundred(Temp) & " Lakh " & tempText
End If
Temp = CByte(Mid$(TempTNTT, 1, 2))
If Temp <> 0 Then
tempText = TransferHundred(Temp) & " Crore " & tempText
End If
If Num = 1 Then
TransferNumberToText = "Rupee " & tempText
TransferNumberToText = "Rupees " & tempText
End If
TransferNumberToText = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(TransferNumberToText)
End Function
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